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Monday, August 1, 2011

Car Rental Companies – How To Get Rid of Hidden And Extra Charges

You rented a car while you are on a trip, with your family.  Before making an advance booking of car online, you checked all the charges and policies details of the various companies of the area, on their official website.  After collecting all the detailed information of the companies; you have compared and chosen the company that provides the best services in the town at affordable prices. This situation implies that you have chosen a company that had provided you the services at cheaper rates than the other companies, fulfilling all your needs from the same. But still, at the end of the trip, there is an issue between you and company, regarding the final rental amount of yours for the trip. There are many hidden charges that you found, are charged from you but they are not mentioned in your agreement. You should be very clear with agreement before you sign the same to avoid issues later on.

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